Friday, March 5, 2010


I know Rio de Janeiro devoids basic amenities for the dwellers, but take a look at these people! There should be good transportation everywhere, but, have you pondered over why politicians always promise but do nothing? Unfortunately, that's the world we live in...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hay espacio en este blog para hablantes de español?

Muy buena esa idea de ustedes! Vamos a aprovecharla!

Besos y buena clase mañana.

See you,


New expressions!

Are you on cloud nine these days? You dunno what "to be on cloud nine" means? Search it in this website.... I loved it!!!

XOXOXO, Marina.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Here's a poem by the florid English poet William Blake. Hope you savour it!

To the evening star

Thou fair-haired angel of the evening,
Now, whilst the sun rests on the mountains, light
Thy bright torch of love; thy radiant crown
Put on, and smile upon our evening bed!
Smile on our loves, and while thou drawest the
Blue curtains of the sky, scatter thy silver dew
On every flower that shuts its sweet eyes
In timely sleep. Let thy west wing sleep on
The lake; speak silence with thy glimmering eyes,
And wash the dusk with silver. Soon, full soon,
Dost thou withdraw; then the wolf rages wide,
And the lion glares through the dun forest.
The fleeces of our flocks are covered with
Thy sacred dew; protect with them with thine influence.
Here's a poem named Starred by the grim French poet Charles Baudelaire. Hope you bask in it!

by Charles Baudelaire

To bear a weight that cannot be borne,
Sisyphus, even you aren't that strong,
Although your heart cannot be torn
Time is short and Art is long.
Far from celebrated sepulchers
Toward a solitary graveyard
My heart, like a drum muffled hard
Beats a funeral march for the ill-starred.

—Many jewels are buried or shrouded
In darkness and oblivion's clouds,
Far from any pick or drill bit,

Many a flower unburdens with regret
Its perfume sweet like a secret;
In profoundly empty solitude to sit.
Sisyphus: a king from Greek Mythology.
shrouded: concealed
oblivion:the condition or quality of being completely forgotten

I am busy as a bee preparing my portfolio!!!!! How about you guys?


Flamboyant Texts

Having read "cliché" and Mozart Effect and where do stars go when they die? I have learned a couple of new things!!!!!!!!!!!!!
